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Easy to understand the game of life in CUSP assembly assignment sample

Are you having a hard time revising your game of life in CUSP assembly assignment? Use our game of life in CUSP assembly assignment sample for your revision. Our samples reflect the quality of solutions we offer to students. Therefore if you are looking for a team that will provide you with the best game of life in CUSP assembly assignment help, hire us today.

Game of Life in CUSP Assembly Assignment Sample

The game of life was designed by John Conway, and is an example of a cellular automata. It consists of 3 basic rules, if a cell has less than 2 neighbors it dies of loneliness, and if it has more than 3 it dies of overcrowding, and if a cell has 3 neighbors it becomes alive. Although it sounds very simple, it can lead to very complex behavior. 3 cells in a straight line is called a blinker, and alternates between horizontal and vertical. You can assume cells outside the grid are always 0 (dead). For more assembly language programming assignments contact us for a quote.



.EQU KEYB_VECTOR,$FF8 ; keyboard interrupt vector
.EQU @,$000 ; main program start address
LDS# $E00 ; initialize stack to $E00

LDA# keyboardISR
STA KEYB_VECTOR ; save isr routine address in vector

CLR generation ; start in generation 0

LDA# array1 ; save ptr to array 1 in variable
STA arr1ptr
LDA# array2 ; save ptr to array 2 in variable
STA arr2ptr

PSH# startlen ; length of string
PSH# startmsg ; string to print
JSR $E05 ; prints starting message
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer
JSR $E06 ; prints newline separation
JSR $E06 ; prints newline separation

; Print grid
PSH arr1ptr ; address of array of current grid
PSH rows ; number of rows
PSH columns ; number of columns
PSH generation
JSR printGrid ; print grid
ADS# 4 ; restore stack pointer
PSH# prmlen ; length of string
PSH# prompt ; string to print
JSR $E05 ; prints prompt
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

JSR $E01 ; read input
STA ngen ; save input in ngen
JSR $E06 ; prints newline separation

CMA# 0
JEQ exit
PSH arr1ptr ; address of array of current grid
PSH rows ; number of rows
PSH columns ; number of columns
PSH arr2ptr ; address of array of new grid
JSR nextGen ; calculate next grid
ADS# 4 ; restore stack pointer

INC generation

; Print grid
PSH arr2ptr ; address of array of current grid
PSH rows ; number of rows
PSH columns ; number of columns
PSH generation
JSR printGrid ; print grid
ADS# 4 ; restore stack pointer

; swap pointers
LDA arr1ptr
LDX arr2ptr
STA arr2ptr
STX arr1ptr

CLR endwait ; clear keyboard wait flag
LDA# $80 ; enable keyboard interrupts
SIE ; enable interrupts
LDA count ; set count for initializing timer
OUTW $31
LDA# $50 ; disable timer interrupt, clear ready bit, load and start timer
OUTB $030
INB $030 ; read status register
AND# $80 ; see if count is complete
JNE countdone ; if so, exit loop
LDA endwait ; see if keyboard was pressed
CMA# 1
JNE waitTimer ; if not, keep waiting
CIE ; disable interrupts

DEC ngen ; decrement number of generations to print
JNE generate ; repeat if not zero

JMP start ; start over
PSH# endlen ; length of string
PSH# endmsg ; string to print
JSR $E05 ; prints end of program
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer

HLT ; terminate program

; printGrid subroutine
.EQU grid,5
.EQU nr,4
.EQU nc,3
.EQU gen,2
PSHF ; push FP on stack
TSF ; load stack pointer in FP

PSH# genlen ; length of string
PSH# genmsg ; string to print
JSR $E05 ; prints generation
ADS# 2 ; restore stack pointer
LDA ! gen
JSR $E00 ; prints the generation number

LDX# 0 ; start at position 0 in array
CLR Y ; initialize row index to zero
CLR X ; initialize column index to zero
LDA& ! grid ; load value from array

CMA# 0 ; see if the cell was dead
JEQ cell0
LDA# ‘*’ ; char to print
JSR $E08 ; prints a star
JMP advance
LDA# ‘.’ ; char to print
JSR $E08 ; prints a dot
LDA# ‘ ‘ ; char to print
JSR $E08 ; prints a space

ADX# 1 ; increment array position

INC X ; increment column index
LDA X ; load index in ACC
CMA ! nc ; compare with number of columns
JLT forX ; if I < nColumns, continue loop

JSR $E06 ; print carriage return

INC Y ; increment row index
LDA Y ; load index in ACC
CMA ! nr ; compare with number of rows
JLT forY ; if I < nRows, continue loop

JSR $E06 ; print carriage return

POPF ; restore FP from stack
RTN ; return to caller

; Keyboard Interrupt Service Routine
PSHA ; save A in stack
INC endwait ; set endwait to 1 to terminate wait
LDA# $40 ; disable keyboard interrupt and flush buffer
POPA ; recover A

; Variables used in main
Y: .word 0 ; row index
X: .word 0 ; column index
PTR: .word 0
generation: .word 0
ngen: .word 0
count: .word 1000000
startmsg: .char ‘Here is the starting grid:’,startlen
genmsg: .char ‘Generation: ‘,genlen
prompt: .char ‘How many new generations would you like to print (enter 0 to end)?’,prmlen
endmsg: .char ‘End of program.’,endlen
endwait: .word 0
arr1ptr: .word 0
arr2ptr: .word 0
array1: .word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

.word 0
.word 0
.word 1
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 1
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

.word 0
.word 1
.word 1
.word 1
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0
.word 0

array2: .blkw 42,0
rows: .word 6
columns: .word 7

; NextGen subroutine
.EQU @,$400 ; subroutine start address
.EQU curGrid,5
.EQU nRows,4
.EQU nColumns,3
.EQU nextGrid,2
PSHF ; push FP on stack
TSF ; load stack pointer in FP

CLR I ; initialize row index to zero
CLR J ; initialize column index to zero
LDA I ; load current row
MUL ! nColumns ; multiply row by ncolumns
ADA J ; add column to get position of current cell
STA pos ; save position in pos

CLR neighbors ; start with zero neighbors

CMA# 0 ; see if row == 0
JEQ midleft ; if so, test middle neighbors
CMA# 0 ; see if col == 0
JEQ upmiddle ; if so, test up middle neighbor

LDX pos ; get position
SBX ! nColumns ; subtract ncolumns to get position in previous row
SBX# 1 ; subtract 1 to get position at top left
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
LDX pos ; get position
SBX ! nColumns ; subtract ncolumns to get position in previous row
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
CMA ! nColumns ; see if col >= n columns
JGE midleft ; if so, test midleft neighbor

LDX pos ; get position
SBX ! nColumns ; subtract ncolumns to get position in previous row
ADX# 1 ; get position at top right
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
CMA# 0 ; see if col == 0
JEQ midright ; if so, test middle right neighbor

LDX pos ; get position
SBX# 1 ; get position at left
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
CMA ! nColumns ; see if col >= n columns
JGE down ; if so, test down neightbors

LDX pos ; get position
ADX# 1 ; get position at right
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors

ADA# 1
CMA ! nRows ; see if row + 1 >= n rows
JGE updatecell ; if so, update cell

CMA# 0 ; see if col == 0
JEQ dnmiddle ; if so, test down middle neighbor

LDX pos ; get position
ADX ! nColumns ; add ncolumns to get position in next row
SBX# 1 ; subtract 1 to get position at down left
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
LDX pos ; get position
ADX ! nColumns ; add ncolumns to get position in next row
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors
CMA ! nColumns ; see if col >= n columns
JGE updatecell ; if so, update cell

LDX pos ; get position
ADX ! nColumns ; add ncolumns to get position in next row
ADX# 1 ; get position at down right
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
ADA neighbors ; add value to number of neighbors
STA neighbors ; update number of neighbors

LDX pos ; get position
LDA& ! curGrid ; load value from array
STA& ! nextGrid ; copy cell to next grid

CMA# 0 ; see if the cell was dead
JEQ dead
LDA neighbors ; load number of neighbors of current cell
CMA# 1 ; see if there are 1 or less neighbors
JGT testoc ; if there are more than 1, test overcrowding
LDA# 0 ; else, clear A to kill cell
STA& ! nextGrid ; set cell as dead in next grid
JMP next ; continue the loop
CMA# 4 ; see if there are 4 or more neighbors
JLT next ; if there are less than 4, go to next cell
LDA# 0 ; else, clear A to kill cell
STA& ! nextGrid ; set cell as dead in next grid
JMP next ; continue the loop
LDA neighbors ; load number of neighbors of current cell
CMA# 3 ; see if there are exactly 3 neighbors
JNE next ; if there are not 3 neighbors, go to next cell
LDA# 1 ; else, set A to make cell alive
STA& ! nextGrid ; set cell as alive in next grid
INC J ; increment column index
LDA J ; load index in ACC
CMA ! nColumns ; compare with number of columns
JLT forCol ; if I < nColumns, continue loop

INC I ; increment row index
LDA I ; load index in ACC
CMA ! nRows ; compare with number of rows
JLT forRow ; if I < nRows, continue loop

POPF ; restore FP from stack
RTN ; return to caller

; Variables for subroutine
I: .word 0 ; row index
J: .word 0 ; column index
pos: .word 0 ; current position in array
neighbors: .word 0 ; number of neighbors for a cell