Dynamic Memory Allocation
Make sure you use the specified function prototypes. Please feel free to introduce additional subroutines (i.e., functions) to help you implement the required functions.
Submit three files as described below. Please name your files as specified to avoid unnecessary complications.
Use pointers to manage a dynamic array of integers, including
memory allocation & value initialization
Changing and reordering the contents of an array
Learn the difference between passing a pointer to a function by value vs. by reference
Learn to use pointers to functions to make a function more powerful and template-like.
Learn to include multiple files in a C++ project by distributing the source codes accordingly to different files.
Your project will include the following three files:A header file: dynamicArray.h that includes a list of function prototypes as enumerated in the next section.
An implementation file: dynamicArray.cpp that implements the functions declared in the header file.
A test driver file: dynamicArray-main.cpp that includes the main() function so that you can test all the functions you’ve implemented above.
The header file dynamicArray.h will include the following list of functions:constructing a dynamic array of the specified size and initializing the i-th array element to i*i
int * array_constructor(int * &intPtr, int&size );Specifically, the above function allocates space to intPtr and uses it to manage a dynamic array of size integers. Use proper exception handling to make sure that the allocation is successful. Then initialize the value of the i-th element to i*i. The function returns a pointer pointing to the new array. To avoid memory leakage, you should check whether intPtr already has a valid pointee when being passed into this function. If the answer is yes, you would want to first deallocate the space occupied by its pointee.As an example, after invoking this function array_constructor( myArray, size=5); in a different function, the content of myArray will bemyArray[0]=0
resizing a dynamic array pointed to by intPtr, where the new size can be smaller or larger than the array’s current size
int * array_resize(int * &intPtr, int&currSize, int&newSize);
You will need to first make sure both curSize and newSize have valid values, i.e., positive integers.
Then consider the following three scenarios:
currSize==newSize or newSize<0: do nothing
currSize>newSize: the array’s size is reduced to newSize. Furthermore, its content is reduced to its first newSize elements.
As an example, after invoking this function array_resize( myArray, currSize, newSize); (where currSize=5, newSize=9), the content of myArray will be changed to
Later, another invocation array_resize( myArray, currSize, newSize);(where currSize=9, newSize=2) will change the content of myArray to:
deallocating the memory space occupied by the dynamic array intPtr. Please make sure you check whether this array actually exists. After you finish deallocating the array space, make sure to assign nullptr to the pointer.
voidarray_destructor(int * &intPtr);
Randomizing the content of the dynamic array intPtr by calling the srand() and rand() functions (see zyBook section 2.19).
voidarray_set(int* &intPtr, int&size);
Specifically, after having set a seed value using the srand( time(0) ) function. Then invoke the rand() to assign each element in the array a random value.
As an example, after invoking array_set( myArray, currSize); (where currSize=9) in a different function, myArray will look like:
Passing a pointer to functions to a sorting function mysort() so that this function can either sort an array in ascending or descending order. Please modify the insertionSort() you implemented in the last coding lab to sort an integer array.
void mysort( int* &intPtr, int size, bool (* comp)(int&, int&) );
To do this, please include the following two boolean functions for integer comparison in your header file:
boolmy_less_equal(int& x, int& y); //return true if x<=y, false otherwise.
boolmy_greater_equal(int& x, int& y ); //return true if x>=y, false otherwise.
Now, if one calls mysort(myArray, size, my_less_equal); in another function, the content in myArray will be sorted in ascending order; calling mysort( myArray, size, my_greater_equal); will sort myArray in descending order.
3. The implementation file dynamicArray.cpp will implement all the functions declared in the above dynamicArray.h header file.
4. A test driver file: dynamicArray-main.cpp that includes the main() function so that you can test all the functions you’ve declared and implemented in the above two files.
#include “dynamicArray.h”
int *array_constructor(int *&intPtr, int&size) {
// parameter checking, if size is negative, do not change the array.
if (size <= 0) {
std::cerr<< “array size is negative!” <
if (intPtr != nullptr) {
// free the array
delete[] intPtr;
intPtr = nullptr;
intPtr = new int[size];
if (intPtr == nullptr) {
std::cerr<< “could not allocate array!” <
} else {
// initialize the i-th item in the array to i*i.
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
intPtr[i] = i * i;
int *array_resize(int *&intPtr, int&currSize, int&newSize) {
// parameter checking.
if (intPtr == nullptr || currSize == newSize || newSize< 0 || currSize< 0) {
// create a new array to hold the resized array
int *newArr = new int[newSize];
if (newArr == nullptr) {
std::cerr<< “could not alloate new array!” <
for (int i = 0; i
newArr[i] = intPtr[i];
for (int i = currSize; i
newArr[i] = i * i;
// deallocate the original array and use the new array
delete[] intPtr;
intPtr = newArr;
voidarray_destructor(int *&intPtr) {
if (intPtr != nullptr) {
delete[] intPtr;
intPtr = nullptr;
voidarray_set(int *&intPtr, int&size) {
// setup the random seed
if (intPtr != nullptr) {
// set random numbers in the array
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
intPtr[i] = rand();
voidmysort( int* &intPtr, int size, bool (*comp)(int&, int&) ) {
if (intPtr != nullptr) {
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
int value = intPtr[i];
// find the location to insert the value
int k = i – 1;
while (k >= 0 && comp(value, intPtr[k])) {
intPtr[k + 1] = intPtr[k];
k –;
// insert the new value
intPtr[k + 1] = value;
boolmy_less_equal(int& x, int& y) {
return x <= y;
boolmy_greater_equal(int& x, int& y ) {
return x >= y;
// constructing a dynamic array of the specified size and initializing the i-th array element to i*i
int *array_constructor(int *&intPtr, int&size);
// resizing a dynamic array pointed to by intPtr, where the new size can be smaller or larger than the array’s current size
int *array_resize(int *&intPtr, int&currSize, int&newSize);
voidarray_destructor(int *&intPtr);
// Randomizing the content of the dynamic array intPtr by calling the srand() and rand() functions (see zyBook section 2.19).
voidarray_set(int *&intPtr, int&size);
// insertion sort the array
voidmysort( int* &intPtr, int size, bool (* comp)(int&, int&) );
boolmy_less_equal(int& x, int& y); //return true if x<=y, false otherwise.
boolmy_greater_equal(int& x, int& y ); //return true if x>=y, false otherwise.
#include “dynamicArray.h”
using namespace std;
int main() {
// test the functions in dynamicArray
int *intPtr = nullptr;
int size = 5;
intPtr = array_constructor(intPtr, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
intoldsize = size;
size = 9;
intPtr = array_resize(intPtr, oldsize, size); // resize the array with larger size
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
oldsize = size;
size = 2;
intPtr = array_resize(intPtr, oldsize, size); // resize the array with smaller size
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// random set the array
size = 5;
array_set(intPtr, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// sort the array increasingly
mysort(intPtr, size, my_less_equal);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// random set the array
size = 5;
array_set(intPtr, size);
// sort the array decreasingly
mysort(intPtr, size, my_greater_equal);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// deallocate the array multiple times should not generate error.
return 0;