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Matrix Calculator Assignment in C Language

In this sample assignment solution in C, students are required to create a calculator for performing Matrix Operations. The calculator should exploit the expected sparseness of its matrix operands. The result has to be produced in the form of a C program which is capable of performing fast matrix operations even for large matrices. The only condition is that the matrix should have required sparseness.




#include “List.h”

// struct is same as public class Node in java

typedef struct NodeObj


type data;

struct NodeObj* prev;

struct NodeObj* next;


typedef NodeObj* Node; // private Node type

// struct is same as public class List in java

typedef struct ListObj


Node front;

Node back;

Node cursor;

int index;

int length;


// newNode()

// same as Node class constructor

Node newNode(type data)


Node N = NULL;

N = malloc(sizeof(NodeObj));

//printf(“List.c: newNode(): N malloc address: %p\n”, N);

N->data = data;

N->prev = NULL;

N->next = NULL;

return (N);


// freeNode()

// frees heap memory pointed to by *pN, sets *pN to NULL

void freeNode(Node* pN)


//printf(“List.c: freeNode(): pN is: %p\n”, pN);

//printf(“List.c: freeNode(): *pN is: %p\n”, *pN);

if (pN != NULL && *pN != NULL)


//printf(“!!List.c: freeNode(): free(*pN) called\n”);


*pN = NULL;



// newList()

// equivalent to List class constructor

List newList(void)


List L = NULL;

L = malloc(sizeof(ListObj));

//printf(“List.c: newList(): L malloc address: %p\n”, L);

L->front = NULL;

L->back = NULL;

L->cursor = NULL;

L->index = -1;

L->length = 0;

return (L);


// freeList()

// frees all heap memory associated with List *pL

// and sets *pL to NULL

void freeList(List* pL)


//printf(“List.c: freeList() called\n”);

if (pL != NULL && *pL!= NULL)


while (length(*pL) > 0)


//printf(“List.c: freeList(): deleteFront() called\n”);



//printf(“!!List.c: freeList(): free(*pL) called for List\n”);


*pL = NULL;



// Access functions —————————————

// length()

// returns the number of elements in this List

int length(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling length() on NULL List reference\n”);



return L->length;


// index()

// returns the index of the cursor of the list

int index(List L)


//printf(“List.c: index() is called.\n”);

if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling index() on NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


//printf(“List.c: index() called: got to if statement.\n”);

return -1;


//printf(“List.c: index(): index is: %d\n”, L->index);

return L->index;


// front()

// returns the front element. pre: length() > 0

type front(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling front() on NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: front() called on empty List\n”);


return L->front->data;


// back()

// returns the back element. pre: length() > 0

type back(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling back() on NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: back() called on empty List\n”);


return L->back->data;


// get()

// returns the cursor element. pre: length() > 0 and index() > 0

type get(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling get() on NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: get() called on empty List\n”);


if (L->cursor == NULL)


printf(“List Error: cannot get() if cursor is NULL\n”);


return L->cursor->data;


// Manipulation procedures ————————————————

// clear()

// resets this List to its original empty state

void clear(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling clear() on a NULL List reference\n”);



while (length(L) > 0)


//printf(“List.c: freeList(): deleteFront() called\n”);



L->front = NULL;

L->back = NULL;

L->cursor = NULL;

L->index = -1;

L->length = 0;


// moveFront()

// places the cursor to the front of the List

void moveFront(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling moveFront() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) > 0)


L->cursor = L->front;

L->index = 0;



// moveBack()

// places the cursor at the back of the List

void moveBack(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling moveBack() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) > 0)


L->cursor = L->back;

L->index = L->length – 1;



// movePrev()

// moves cursor one step toward the front of the List

void movePrev(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling movePrev() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (L->cursor == L->front)


L->cursor = NULL;

L->index = -1;




L->cursor = L->cursor->prev;




// moveNext()

// moves the cursor one step toward the back of the List

void moveNext(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling moveNext() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (L->cursor == L->back)


L->cursor = NULL;

L->index = -1;




L->cursor = L->cursor->next;




// prepend()

// inserts a new element into the front of the List

void prepend(List L, type data)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling prepend() on a NULL List reference\n”);



Node N = newNode(data);

if (L->front == NULL)


L->front = N;

L->back = N;

L->cursor = L->front;




L->front->prev = N;

N->next = L->front;

L->front = N;





// append()

// inserts a new element into the back of the List

void append(List L, type data)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling apend() on a NULL List reference\n”);



Node N = newNode(data);

if (L->back == NULL)


L->front = N;

L->back = N;

L->cursor = L->back;




L->back->next = N;

N->prev = L->back;

L->back = N;

N->next = NULL;




// insertBefore()

// inserts new element before cursor

void insertBefore(List L, type data)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling apend() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (L->cursor == NULL)


printf(“List Error: cannot insertBefore() if cursor is undefined\n”);


if (L->cursor == L->front)


prepend(L, data);




Node N = newNode(data);

N->prev = L->cursor->prev;

N->next = L->cursor;

L->cursor->prev->next = N;

L->cursor->prev = N;





// insertAfter()

// inserts new element after cursor

void insertAfter(List L, type data)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling apend() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: insertAfter() called on empty List\n”);


if (L->cursor == L->back)


append(L, data);




Node N = newNode(data);

L->cursor->next->prev = N;

N->next = L->cursor->next;

N->prev = L->cursor;

L->cursor->next = N;




// deleteFront()

// deletes front element

void deleteFront(List L)


//printf(“List.c: deleteFront() called\n”);

if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: calling apend() on a NULL List reference\n”);



if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: cannot deleteFront() empty List\n”);




//printf(“List.c: freeList(): node is: %d\n”, L->front->data);


//printf(“List.c: deleteFront(): L.length is: %d\n”, L->length);

//printf(“List.c: deleteFront(): L->front is: %p\n”, L->front);

//printf(“List.c: deleteFront(): L->cursor is: %p\n”, L->cursor);

if (L->length == 1)


Node N = L->front;

//printf(“List.c: case 1: deleteFront(): N is: %p\n”, N);


//printf(“List.c: case 1: deleteFront(): front.data is: %d\n”, L->front->data);

L->cursor = NULL;

L->front = L->back = NULL;

L->index = -1;


else //if (L->length > 1)


Node N = L->front;

//printf(“List.c: case 2: deleteFront(): front.data is: %d\n”, L->front->data);

L->front = L->front->next;

L->front->prev = NULL;

if (L->cursor != NULL)









// deleteBack()

// deletes back element

void deleteBack(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: cannot deleteBack() on NULL List reference\n”);


if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: cannot deleteBack() empty List\n”);




if (L->length == 1)


Node N = L->back;


L->cursor = NULL;

L->front = L->back = NULL;

L->index = -1;


else //if (L->length > 1)


Node N = L->back;

L->back = L->back->prev;

L->back->next = NULL;

if (L->index == L->length – 1)


L->index = -1;





//printf(“List.c: deleteBack(): current index is: %d\n”, L->index);



// delete()

// deletes cursor element

void delete(List L)


if (L == NULL)


printf(“List Error: cannot deleteBack() on NULL List reference\n”);


if (length(L) <= 0)


printf(“List Error: cannot delete() empty List”);


if (L->cursor == NULL)


printf(“List Error: cannot delete() on undefined cursor”);


if (L->cursor == L->front)




else if (L->cursor == L->back)






Node N = L->cursor;

L->cursor->prev->next = L->cursor->next;

L->cursor->next->prev = L->cursor->prev;




L->index = -1;
