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Dividing numbers by a fixed value

If you would like us to help you with the concept of dividing numbers by a fixed value, get in touch with us. Our programming experts provide both tutoring and assignment writing services for tasks related to this topic.


Write an MC6800 program that adds up all numbers divisible by 11 between two limits,
e.g., from 15 to 400
• Your program must use at least one loop
• Your program should store the sum in memory location $300; check the result after running the program
• Start your program at address $400
• Include all necessary global and local comments
• For this program, you may not use numbers for any addresses except in an ORG directive (use labels instead for other addresses)
• Be sure to run your program and check the results
• The name of your program should be your last name (or its first eight letters)
• Submit your program file (with extension .X68) along with representative results as paper copies in the class on or before the due date.



ORG $400

START: ; first instruction of program


MOVE.L (A0),D1 ; read first limit in D1


MOVE.L (A0),D2 ; read last limit in D2

MOVE.L #0,D3 ; D3 will contain the sum, initialize to 0

MOVE.L #16,D4 ; D4 is always 16


MOVE.L D1,D0 ; put current number in D0 for division

DIVU #11,D0 ; divide by 11

LSR.L D4,D0 ; put the remainder at lower 16 bits by shifting to the right

CMP.W #0,D0 ; see if the remainder is zero

BNE NEXT ; if not, is not divisible by 11, go to next

ADD.L D1,D3 ; if it’s divisible, add to the sum


ADD.L #1,D1 ; go to next number

CMP.L D2,D1 ; compare current number with upper limit

BLE LOOP ; continue while we don’t go above the upper limit


MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; read address to save sum in A0

MOVE.L D3,(A0) ; save sum in the result address

SIMHALT ; halt simulator

FIRST: DC.L 15 ; lower limit

LAST: DC.L 400 ; upper limit

ADDR: DC.L $300 ; address to save result

END START ; last line of source

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